We use the definite article with abstract uncountable nouns when the noun is used to refer to specific example of that noun.


The definite article is used when both the speaker and listener know what is being talked about or to identify a particular thing.


Indefinite articles, a and an, are not used with plural nouns or uncountable nouns. They are used

  • when a singular countable noun is talked about for the first time,
  • when classifying, describing and generalizing,
  • in exclamations following words such as 'what' and 'such',
  • in expressions like: 'a kind of', 'a sort of' and 'a type of'.


There are different types of nouns that don't require an article.

  • plural and uncountable nouns for generalisations
  • proper nouns
  • when talking about the normal role of an instituion
  • times of day, year and named holidays and special days/festivals
