Different ways of talking about the future.

  • will for statements about the future, for predictions about the future, and for instant decisions made at the time of speaking.
  • be going to for present situations that extend into the future, for predictions based on present, physical evidence, and for plans.
  • on the verge/brink of for events that are going to happen very soon.
  • be about to for events that will happen in the near future.
  • be sure/bound to for events we are confident will happen.
  • be to for talking about the future in formal way.
  • be due to for scheduled events.
  • present simple for timetabled future events.
  • present continuous for arrangements.
  • future continuous for activities which are in progress at a future time.
  • future perfect for actions completed before a specific future time.
  • normal verbs with a future meaning like hope, plan, aim, intend, arrange, decide, etc.



