Defining relative clauses...

  • add essetial information about the nouns, and
  • can be introduced by the relative pronoun that in informal speech.

Non-defining relative clauses...

  • add extra information about the noun,
  • are enclosed by commas,
  • can be used with quantifiers and numbers followed by the relative pronoun,
  • can't be introduced by the relative pronoun that, and
  • can refer to a whole sentence.

Two types of relative clause:

  • defining: give the information that directly identifies what is being talked about,
  • non-defining: add more information about nouns, do not identify the noun being talked about.

Relative pronouns indtroduce relative clauses.

  • who
  • whom
  • whose
  • which
  • that
  • where: '(places) in/at which'
  • when: '(times) on which'
  • why: '(reasons) for which'